Tuesday, February 8, 2011

New Members of the Online MS Community

Please welcome these new MS Bloggers and MS Websites to the Community.

Lauren - Living and writing in a world of disAbility and challenges

Matt - Multiple Sclerosis Daily News

Kaz - Positive About MS

Kelley - Lifting My Spoon

Ms Andisue - MS, Music and Me

Laurie - Living, Loving, and Laughing with Multiple Sclerosis

Nancy - Dancing with Dachshunds and the Art of Living with Intention

Mary - It is what it is, until it isn't what it once was

Jamie - MS Mates

Simeon - But You Look So Well

Tammy - My Life with Multiple Sclerosis

Lori - Too Late to Save the Brain

Megan - It's not Megan, It's Megan

Sarah - The Sheer Truth

Linda - Thy Grace is Sufficient

Emme - Moms Vs. MS

Linda - Multiple Sclerosis Relief


  1. Thanks for the links, Lisa. I will start reading them right away.


  2. Wow welcome to all the new MS bloggers! I look forward to checking all of your blogs out. Feel free to stop by mine too.

  3. Thanks for the links, Lisa! I've recently revived my blog, which deals with MS among other topics. It's at http://funkymangosmusings.blogspot.com/

    Margo x

  4. Hi Lisa! Thanks for posting my blog link! And thanks so much for posting the other blog links as well...I can't wait to read the writing of my "MS Comrades" as well. As we all share one illness, we all have different perspectives on how it affects us and how we view MS. Thanks so much! :) Nancy
