Saturday, June 27, 2009
Love Intimacy and All That Jazz
Do we always know what is waxing and what is waning? Or must we wait until the time has passed to reflect and analyze? Perhaps I’m just in a reflective mood today.
My multiple sclerosis is of the waxing-waning type. Depending upon which points in time I choose to delineate, I seem better off or worse than another.
Two weeks ago I was demonstrating an MS relapse to the neuro.
Four weeks ago I was treating a suspected UTI.
Six weeks ago it seemed that my RA was flaring up a bit.
Eight weeks ago I noted looking through an increased veil of floaters.
Ten weeks ago I felt great!!
Today, I am mush. Physically, mentally, spiritually. Steroids and MS will do that to you.
At least the raging stage has passed somewhat and I might be sidestepping the weeping stage. Hard to tell just yet. But cry is something which my soul wants to do.
Is it crying for any particular reason or is it crying for a loss? Or maybe for a potential loss in the future.
Right now I am safe. I am loved. I am taken care of. I’m good.
I can walk, talk, eat, dress, think (mostly, lol), see, hear, bath, etc. So what’s the problem?
I am weak. I am wobbly. I am scared of becoming worse in the future. I am afraid of disappointment, in myself and of disappointing others.
Last week during the IV steroids, Rob would ask how I was doing. The day that I said I was walking a bit better, he responded, “I didn’t know that you were having problems.”
Yes, I don’t always want to say - today my legs are crap and my balance is worse. I just try my best to move smoothly and use the correct muscles. Right now my hip flexors are weak and not yet with the program.
Then there’s the numbness. Physically numb and emotionally numb (primarily from the steroids).
The surface of my skin on almost my entire body is still numb. It’s kinda funny with the safety pin test. Poke, poke, poke. Wait, wait, wait. Until a spot feels almost sharpish. It becomes a game. “Let’s find where Lisa will actually think about saying OUCH.”
But one thing which doesn’t OUCH is that Rob knows just how much to be there. He is supportive and patient. On the days I was trying really hard to contain the vile words and emotions, he backed off with the soft voice.
He wanted so badly for me to announce that things were better and better. I just wanted for nobody to talk to me or ask any questions at all. Together we made it through.
Intimacy. Give and take. Wax and wane. Flow with the tide. That’s life.
Two weeks from now, I’m sure that I’ll be feeling much better. It is inevitable.
No matter what happens in the future. It’s ok. Life is a learning experience.
Sweetie, thank you for being here for me. And Happy Belated Birthday!!!
(yes, we can blame the steroid-mush-brain on forgetting the BIG 40.)
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Financial Assistance for MS Medications
Often each company will run their own program or make contributions to independent foundations that handle the administration of "free medication" or copayment assistance. Then, don't forget about sources of lower cost generic drugs and/or drug coupon programs.
I have compiled an annotated list of assistance available for multiple sclerosis medications.
Read this post in its entirety:
Financial Assistance for Your Rheumatoid Arthritis Medications
Monday, June 22, 2009
Financial Assistance for RA Medications
Often each company will run their own program or make contributions to independent foundations that handle the administration of "free medication" or copayment assistance. Then, don't forget about sources of lower cost generic drugs and/or drug coupon programs.
I have compiled an annotated list of assistance available for rheumatoid arthritis medications.
Read this post in its entirety:
Financial Assistance for Your Rheumatoid Arthritis Medications
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Carnival of MS Bloggers #38 - Health Reform Edition
"Health Reform Edition"
When is it going to stop…?
My healthcare coverage was the best to have, but over the years, benefits are slowly disappearing, while my premium is slowly rising. Out of pocket expenses were something I did not dread, but I dread going to get a prescription. Co-pays are steadily increasing. So far, I am still one of the fortunate ones to afford my drugs to fight MS… What about the ones who cannot afford to take the expensive Avonex, Betaseron, Copaxone, Rebif, and Tysabri to slow the progression of multiple sclerosis.
DMD’s cost more than what many Americans make a year, mine in particular cost $1700.00 a month. I will not be surprise if day come when my health insurance carrier find a way for me to pick up most of that cost. If that day comes, I will be like many other Americans deciding between purchasing my prescriptions over purchasing food to live.
I am pissed off; I am sick and tired of our legislators the Democrats and Republicans bullshitting when it comes to my life. The Dems and the Repubs want American people to believe they are working hard in our best interest to fix the healthcare crisis.
I do not give two rats asses which party comes up with a solution for the healthcare crisis here in America. The writing on the wall started when HMO’s came to America in the early 80’s. Healthcare has been changing and rising at the disadvantage to the American people since the HMO white horse rode into a town near you.
To fix the healthcare crisis here in America, it is time for Americans to demand the same coverage Congress receives. I plan to write my representatives demanding the opportunity to have the coverage they receive. It is time for all Americans to DEMAND IT!
I remember then candidate for President Obama saying during his campaign, "Americans deserve the same coverage offered to Congress." Therefore, if Congress is having a problem putting together legislation to offer us the same coverage they have because of the Democrat and Republican bipartisanship bullshit. The American people need to remind them whom they work for during their election year, and VOTE their asses out of office, and put some fresh blood in...which is what Americans should do to kick start fixing what is wrong in America!
Remember they are in Washington to be working for us and not for the Insurance and Pharmaceutical industry political donations and perks.
by Sherry of Word Salads the Demyelination of Me
Wait. Wait. Wait!!!!! I've been talking about Medihell for some time and I still have to DEAL WITH IT when I get home. I haven't gone back to Social Security to tell them they have the wrong income AND now I hear THIS????
If I go back to work, I lose my Copaxone because Medicare will only pay 33%. If I stay "poor", Medicaid will pay for it. STOP!!!!!!
I'm going to become a political activist on several causes, especially medical care since I "cannot work" to get Copaxone. Damn if you do, damn if you don't. I have found my passion.
Today we go to my daughter's will be a hard day. I am trying not to think about it. Some of her things will be put in storage and brought up to Colorado at a later date- and the things I want now will go back in a car with Barry. That is all I want to say about her today.
I am emotionally empty, but fighting mad....about medical care, health insurance and more. It failed my daughter, and it is failing many. It is keeping me from working as well as those who do not want "free money" to sit around when they can work part-time.
I will be turning into a political activist for better health care. If you think Cindy Sheehan had a big mouth, watch out. (FYI: I am no fan of hers) I'm going to be walking, crawling or catching a ride on a turtle with a big stick to Washington, DC.
Somehow, someway I will get my voice heard.
The health care reform debate has reached fever pitch, and is finally getting the attention it deserves. With more than 45 million uninsured Americans, many others woefully under-insured, and people going without needed care, the time is right for you to put in your two cents worth… or more.
Three online sites offer you the opportunity to sound off, share your own successes and failures within the health care system, and state what you think must be done.
Care2 Reform Health Policy seeks to provide news and commentary on health policy and related issues. encourages active participation and provides readers with the ability to create full profiles, network with other people with similar interests, and comment… comment… comment. I am a regular contributor to Care2’s health policy cause and welcome suggestions and insights from the community. Please stop by and drop me a line! is a government website providing news and information on health care reform. There is a section to Share Your Story and Ideas about health care reform, and a place to Show Your Support, if you are so inclined. is a new site that shines a spotlight on numbers, such as the annual cost of treating chronic and complex health conditions in the U.S., and the possible annual savings on health care spending with electronic and protocol efficiencies. Actual numbers tell an eye-popping tale. The site is also open to comments and suggestions.
Help put a human face on health care in America.
Visit and participate:
Care2 Reform Health Policy
This concludes the 38th edition of the Carnival.
Thank you.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Patients for a Moment is Hosted at Duncan Cross
First Edition of Patients for a Moment is up at Duncan Cross' blog. Go take a gander and you will see a couple familiar MS bloggers who have participated. And if you don't already read the Adventures of RA Guy, I highly recommend it especially his post "Survivor: Tierra Del Fuego" which is included in this round-up. Great stuff.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Patients for a Moment: A Blog Carnival in the Making
Patients for a Moment
I decided to call the patient-centered med-blog carnival “Patients for a Moment”, a weak pun on the Chinese proverb, “He who is not patient for a moment, has days and months of trouble”. As you can see, I sketched out a logo for it - now all I need are posts.
If you’ve written a post this week that might be interesting to a patient audience, send it to me. It can be on any topic, issue, disease, whatever - so long as it is likely to appeal even to patients who don’t share your specific circumstances. You can be a patient, doc, nurse, wonk - whatever. Some patient bloggers might even get a direct appeal from me for material, but save me the trouble and submit it yourself. And it can be the same post you sent to Grand Rounds, or something written specifically for this carnival.*
Send to :
1. Your name (as it should appear)
2. Your blog’s name
3. Your post’s title
4. Your post’s URLGet it to me before Sunday midnight (Eastern time) and I will have the inaugural edition of “Patients for a Moment” up on this site by Wednesday morning.
Also, let me know if you would be interested in hosting PFAM at some point. I am happy to get this carnival going, but I intend to put it on a rotation akin to Grand Rounds (okay, shamelessly copying Grand Rounds).
In the meantime, I will look forward to your posts! Thanks.
*Fun fact: “Carnival” is from a Latin word meaning “removal of meat”, which has a certain ironic resonance for those of us with surgical histories - but we won’t be taking it too literally.
Bouncing Around: Doctors and Eyes
Well, I did yesterday...hesitate that is. I laughed once and said, "I really want to say - great! But that's not exactly true."
Actually, I did the same thing a week ago Wednesday at my annual eye doctor appointment. As well as the acute care appointment with my primary care doctor on Monday of that same week.
So what's going on, you ask? I'd like to know too.
I had hoped that it was simply another urinary tract infection like the one I had in February which caused a pseudoexacerbation. At that time, there was blood in my urine, the cultures came back positive for bacterial infection, and two rounds of Cipro later, I was feeling much better and on the way back to developing strength and coordination with the physical therapist.
Now two weeks ago I started walking funny, uncoordinated, and definitely not fluid by any means. I had also begun feeling just not well, fatigued, and over-emotional.
Describing all of this to my primary doctor, I said, "it's either another urinary tract infection or a multiple sclerosis relapse." She responded, "well, I vote for the infection." So did I. I immediately started with two rounds of Cipro and waited to feel better, which only happened to a moderate degree and hasn't lasted.
During my eye appointment, I expressed great concern for the declining visual acuity I've been experiencing in recent months, however my color vision remains unchanged. Even mentioned that when I'm teaching, and looking from music down to student's hands or to their notebook in which I write, my eyes will rebel and look anywhere but where I want them to focus. It is disorienting and somewhat dizzying.
We couldn't quite get my right eye corrected to 20/20, but did decide to adjust my prescription power. If you know anything about severe myopia, you will appreciate that my prescription power is in the range of -13.25 diopters. That's some naturally poor eyesight. LOL. I have both new contacts and eyeglasses on order.
That brings us up to yesterday's neurology appointment.
I prepared to discuss the repeat UTIs after not having one since college, asking if consulting a urologist was in order. I prepared to discuss the increased cognitive problems I've been experiencing which have continued to increase in recent months. My short-term memory is noticeably affected as is my ability to stay on top of things. I also mentioned the eyes which don't always cooperate under certain circumstances.
For the eyes, she brought out a large drum marked with alternating black and white columns. She spun the drum in one direction while I gazed at it, then she changed the direction. This started my eyes bouncing!! Hmmm, a little nystagmus. The bouncing continued for at least 20 more minutes. Oh boy, how exciting (sarcasm here)
Our plan right now is this. Urine analysis and culture to look for infection. If the results are positive, then we will try a different antibiotic. If the results come back negative, then she'll be calling me into the infusion clinic for Solumedrol on Monday. It will be called an official relapse.
If this does seem to be the case, then she will likely want me to undergo an MRI sometime after the steroids have worn off to look for new lesions. Nystagmus is associated with lesions in the cerebellum or the 8th Cranial nerve. We will also move forward with consulting the urologist and get a neuropsych evaluation of my current cognitive abilities.
I really don't want to be having a relapse right now, but admittedly some of my symptoms have been slowly getting worse in the past six weeks. These symptoms include items which are new to me.
So I will be picking up my new glasses and contacts on Tuesday, as well as undergo a Visual Fields test while I'm there. Monday I will either be starting a new antibiotic or steroids. After that I need to reschedule the rheumatology appointment which I had canceled.
It's busy being me!!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Art on Canvas becomes Art on Cotton
Tara of Living Day to Day with Multiple Sclerosis makes Creative Custom Canes.
Cathy of Navigating the Journey of MS runs The MS Shoppe. Cathy has announced the winning T-shirt slogan which is now available for sale. Check it out. BTW, I voted for this one, even if it wasn't the one I submitted. LOL.
Todd is a screen printer who recently started a blog called But You Don't Look Sick. Please welcome him to the MS Blogging Community. You may recall that we talked about Todd's MS Artist T-Shirt project back in April.
The shirts are ready to debut at MS Read an explanation of how the project took shape, the following is a excerpt from Todd's new blog.
I really appreciate the positive feedback I have received from non MS’ers and people that are diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, in regards to an up and coming MS artist t-shirt sale. What I have not spoken to is how much this sale will benefit me. See I have an internal war waging everyday. I was diagnosed with MS in 2000 and I am a conservative. So what’s the problem you say? To tell you the truth maybe there is no problem except in my head. I find myself not telling my MS friends that I am conservative (not republican please save the nasty e-mails) also I find I do not discuss MS with my business associates. The fund raising sale I have initiated allows me to donate to a cause I am very passionate about and I get to sell something (it’s in my nature). So I really owe a big thank you to the artists and others that allow me to do this.
Last fall while surfing the NMSS site I ran across a section of artists that have MS, I was impressed with the talent of these folks. Now being a t-shirt guy I saw this art on t-shirts instead of canvas. I could sell these and make a donation to NMSS. Bing!(not the search engine) an idea is brewing. After speaking to these artist I thought they deserved to be in the revenue stream as well. Great! I was stoked (my son says that) Now I can directly help a person with MS and make a donation that will help all of us in the future. Tada- MS was born. In the coming months I will highlight each artist in a little more depth. I am very lucky to have met these folks, they are very inspiring to me.
Buy a Shirt, Help an Artist, Find a Cure.
I really enjoy the following piece of art featured this week.
Please visit the Art to Shirt Store or go to MS T-Shirts and help find the cure.Notes from the artist, Karolina Wojdak:
"Although I never attended any art classes, I've been drawing since I was a little child. And now I know where were my visions coming from. I've been diagnosed with MS at the beginning of '07, when I utterly lost control over my right arm and eyes, the neurologist assumes I've been ill since '02. I'm still trying to regain my drawing ability, by the help of my family and friends I know I can't give up trying - drawing is my whole life. With my art I'd like to help MS people like me - to finally get the normal life, to get the cure."
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Living Day to Day with MS and RA
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Secondary Sexual Dysfunction in MEN and WOMEN with MS
Many sexual problems produced by MS symptoms or MS treatments can be managed with the help of your medical team.
§ Pain can be controlled with medications.
§ Spasticity can be reduced with medication, cold packs, and stretching or massage.
§ Fatigue can be alleviated through energy conservation and, in some cases, with medication. Making love at times when the partner with MS is most energetic (usually the morning) will also help.
§ Alternative sexual positioning can help with both spasticity and weakness. Using pillows for support or trying the side positions can relieve discomfort.
§ Catheters can be secured during sex. Your doctor or nurse can show you the best way.
§ Medication side effects may be minimized by taking medications at a different time of day or by changing the timing of sexual activity. You might also consult your doctor about switching to medications with fewer sexual side effects.
Please talk to your medical team so that you can eliminate the secondary problems which interfere with your primary sexual function and quality of life.
Rest this post in its entirety:Secondary Sexual Dysfunction in Multiple Sclerosis
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Carnival of MS Bloggers #37
"Dog's Best Friend"
On Mother's Day, a friend of mine died. I knew Sue through Saint Francis Service Dogs. She was one of the first people to be partnered with a St. Fran dog, and his name is Barkley. Yes Barkley is 12 years old, and he was by her side for ten years. Barkley will continue to live out his life with Sue's husband and family. He is a very sweet golden retriever who loves life and people.
Sue was one of these people who never met a stranger, always took a moment to stop and talk to people who wanted to know about Barkley and service dogs, and always had time to talk to friends and ask how they were doing and leave them with a smile. She had a myriad of health problems, and was on supplemental oxygen at all times. She had seizures. Barkley knew to lay across her during a seizure, and then to go for help or the phone afterwards.
We live in a small town, and every time we went into Walmart or Krogers someone invariably would say, "you just missed Sue and Barkley."
During one of our partner classes, Sue told a funny story about Barkley. At night when he needs to go out to park (bathroom), he waited until one of them turned on his flashlight and handed it to him. He then would go out with the flashlight to do whatever business he wanted to do. Then, he will come back inside and hand back his flashlight. So funny, so sweet!
Sue's memorial service was this past Monday. Barkley was sitting with the family. There were also five of us with our service dogs who attended the service, plus lots of family and friends. Sue's son is in the Marines in Iraq, and the service was postponed until he could get home to be here for it.
Sue's husband said that Barkley is okay as long as they can keep him busy, but then he starts looking for Sue. It is so very sad, because it's impossible to explain to an animal that the person is gone.
Good-bye Sue, we miss you!
Just as Sue had Barkley, Maryann has Montana who is her service dog. Montana seems to get the tastiest treats homemade by Maryann. Check out her most recent recipe at Cooking for Montana.
Maryann and Montana met through the Saint Francis Service Dog program. As an exciting bit of media, they are featured in a Public Service Announcement which will air on television in her area. Good job guys!!
This concludes the 37th edition of the Carnival.
Thank you.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
The Gray Ghost
Two weeks ago a lonely "kitten" was seen on the front sidewalk, meowing towards the frontdoor. In the dark, I wondered if the cat eyes belonged to one of my own feline team. But going outside to investigate, it became clear that the eyes belonged to a new child on the block.
This baby kitty was hungry and I helped to fill his belly with some tasty cat food. He gobbled the food as quickly as possible before a possum crossed the street to investigate the source of food.
The next evening, the same kitty was on the porch meowing in request. He found another meal and welcomed a little scratching between the shoulder blades. This routine repeated each day with the exception of an increased desire to be pet and held. This gray ghost had obviously had a home in a prior life.
One week ago, poor little Oscar - see he had already told me his name - showed up for dinner with a severe wound on his tail. A large chunk of fur and skin was missing, exposing what I only hoped was muscle. Quickly discussing the situation with Rob I decided to bring Oscar into the house for the night. I wanted an opportunity to clean the wound and give Oscar a dry place to sleep.
We went quickly to the music studio in which I have a separate bathroom. Created a temporary litter box (which he used faithfully), provided more food and water, and folded up a fuzzy bathroom rug for a bed. Oscar purred and purred after he got past the shock of being in a strange place.
Oscar, the gray ghost, stayed in the studio for the following days so that I could keep an eye on his tail and so he could stay fed. On Saturday I finally made the decision to bring him to my vet to receive his shots and get checked out. To our surprise, Oscar kitten is estimated to be 2 years old according to his teeth. Wow, he is so small and behaved very kitten-like, kneading his paws while he receives affection and meowing with a kitten's voice.
It was last Friday that Oscar first came in direct contact with the lords of the manner, Miss Musette and Mister Pippin. Pippin seems very curious and will likely become a good friend in due time. However, Musette is furious!! She complains loudly any time Oscar is within sight.
Sunday was the first day during which all three felines were left loose within the house together. In the early pre-dawn hours on Monday, there was a kerfluffle. Musette was highly worked up and quick to start. Oscar couldn't be found. Since that time Musette has become increasingly less tolerant of the "intruder" within her territory.
Poor little Oscar has lost a bit of his kittenish joy and desire to play. He has much on his mind and at nearly every turn has the Queen of the Castle threatening bodily harm. It seems that Pippin will become a good friend to Oscar, if only Musette would calm down and leave them be. Her suspicion and angst is contagious, although Pippin has greeted Oscar with kindness.
A mother to this young brood, I desire peace and joy within the household. Hopefully with time the stress will dissipate and the anger and angst will prove to be useless. It has only been one week. Patience, Lisa, patience.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Primary Sexual Dysfunction in WOMEN with MS
The most frequently described symptoms in women include decreased sexual desire, diminished orgasm, difficulties with vaginal lubrication, and fatigue that interferes with sexual activity. Decreased vaginal lubrication can be treated with water-soluble lubricants, and dysesthesias may be relieved with medication for nerve pain.
Decreased Vaginal Lubrication
Vaginal lubrication is controlled by multiple pathways in the brain and spinal cord, similar to the erectile response in men. Decreased vaginal lubrication can be addressed by using generous amounts of water-soluble lubricants, such as K-Y Jelly®, Replens®, or Astroglide®. It is not advisable to use petroleum based jellies (e.g., Vaseline®) for vaginal lubrication due to the greatly increased risk of bacterial infection.
Decreased Libido
Diminished libido is much more common in women with MS than men. To date, there are no published clinical trials of medications that restore libido in MS. Hormone replacement therapy has helped in some post-menopausal women without MS. Testosterone replacement in persons with abnormally low physiological levels has been tried in non-MS populations. However, there is research currently underway that is evaluating medicines that enhance sympathetic arousal, to see if this impacts libido in women with MS. Also, there is research evaluating clitoral vacuum devices and vibrators to see if blood flow, libido, and sensation are enhanced in women with MS.
Pelvic floor or Kegel exercises are sometimes prescribed to enhance female sexual responsiveness. However, in women with significantly reduced sensation, EMG biofeedback is required to help them identify and contract the appropriate pelvic floor muscles in the prescribed manner. The rationale for Kegel exercises is that sensation and contraction of the muscles around the vagina are important parts of the female sexual response.
Read this post in its entirety:Sexual Dysfunction in Women Living with Multiple Sclerosis