Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Anxiety vs. Depression as Experienced by Arthritis Patients

A new study published in Arthritis Care & Research suggests that one third of US adults living with doctor-diagnosed arthritis (including rheumatoid arthritis, gout, lupus, fibromyalgia, or some other form of arthritis) aged 45 or older report having anxiety, depression, or both.  The study comprised a phone survey of 1,793 individuals living with arthritis from the Arthritis Condition and Health Effects Survey (ACHES) which is the most comprehensive population-based national survey of US adults with arthritis to date.

Eighteen percent of respondents reported having depression, a common comorbidity in patients living with chronic illnesses including rheumatoid arthritis (Murphy, 2012). In previous studies involving RA patients, nearly 20% of patients experienced depression (Söderlin, 2000).  Whether we’re talking about arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis or rheumatic diseases, it seems that rates of depression have remained similar over time.

In the current study, almost twice as many people living with arthritis experienced anxiety (30.5%) as compared to depression (17.5%).  Eighty-four percent of respondents with depression also reported anxiety.  Thus a significant portion of patients (14.7%) living with arthritis experience both depression and anxiety.

Have you ever experienced depression or anxiety, or both, and do you live with a rheumatic disease?

Read this post in its entirety:

Anxiety is More Common in Arthritis Patients Than Depression

1 comment:

  1. Hi lisa, I wanted to stop by and say hi. I also wanted to thank you for including me in the carnival group, it was a god send. Your writing has made such an incredible difference in my life. In turn it has helped me have less anxiety and depression. I believe chronic illness absolutely brings on anxiety and depression. Yoga, meditation and prayer really help me a lot. I want to send you a smile and big squishy hug. Love and light, olivia
